Monday 21 July 2014

Textile treasures

Recently I attended a workshop with Lisa Walton from Dyed and Gone to Heaven. We dyed fabric and then added some stencilling to the fabric and painted designs onto the fabric.


The last day we started to put the fabric pieces together, it was sort of like putting a jigsaw together, this is what my finished piece looks like, now it needs to have some stitching on it to tame down some of the colours in it.


The colours remind me of the poem by Dorothea Mackellar “My Country” the land of drought, flooding rains and then the fires that are so much a part of rural life.


  1. The colours and patterns you achieved are amazing, Marilyn! They look different again when they are chopped up and put into a quilt. Well done.

  2. Absolutely awesome! I agree witn you, the colors you have managed to create also remind me of the diversity of the Aussie outback.

  3. A good finish there Marilyn, I love your end result. No, the colors are not too bright. Mine is much more "organic" than yours, I shall bring it one day to show.
